About Pastor Jeff
Jeff and Troy have worked and lived in New Haven since 2016 and have fallen in love with our city. Born in Cambridge, Massachusetts, and raised in South Carolina, California, and Bethesda, Maryland, Jeff grew up spending his summers at his grandparents’ house in Connecticut. An Eagle Scout, he attended Duke University on a Navy ROTC Scholarship. Raised in the Episcopal Church, it was at Duke that he came to a deeper and more personal sense of Christ’s love for him, brought into a personal relationship with the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit through the friendships he was making in InterVarsity Christian Fellowship, and through the simple motions of Bible Study, prayer, worship, and spiritual fellowship. It was also at Duke that he met his wonderful wife, Troy, a native of Raleigh, NC. They have been married for more than 35 years, and have three grown children and a wonderful son-in-law.

After service as a Surface Warfare Officer in the United States Navy, Jeff was called to the ministry of the gospel, earning both his MDiv and DMin. He has served as a campus minister in Florida and as a Presbyterian pastor in North Carolina, Pennsylvania, and Connecticut for more than thirty years; but this current adventure, serving as an Assistant Pastor for Church Planting at Living Hope Community Church, sent to New Haven to plant a new church in a city he loves with friends and neighbors he is honored to know, has been his favorite season of ministry so far! 

Contact: jdhutch64@gmail.com / (860) 817-8149
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